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Scanning Loch Ness for Nessie onboard Deepscan

Recent Sightings Stir Excitement

18th Mar 2024

We’ve got some thrilling updates fresh from the depths of our beloved Loch Ness. It’s time to dive into the intriguing tales of two potential Nessie sightings that have set our hearts racing and our imaginations soaring!

This month, we’ve received two potential sightings of Nessie which have been analysed by an expert and here’s what our expert had to say…

Alice's sighting of the Loch Ness Monster

Sighting Number One: Beneath the Disused Bridge

This sighting was observed by the disused bridge in the picturesque setting of the River Oich at Fort Augustus. 

But hold your breath, dear readers, for there’s a twist in this tale. While it may seem like a classic case of “Nessie on the move,” our expert sheds light on a fascinating truth. You see, amidst the serene flow of the river, stationary objects can sometimes mimic the appearance of our elusive friend, thanks to the deceptive dance of the water’s current. Branches masquerading as necks, floating against the wind – it’s a spectacle that can easily fool the untrained eye.

Yet, our diligent expert’s observations reveal the subtle nuances at play. The wake, the stillness, the illusion of movement – each element adding layers to the enigmatic tapestry of Loch Ness lore. It’s moments like these that enrich our understanding of the legendary phenomenon, reminding us to approach every sighting with a curious mind and a discerning eye.

Harland's nessie sighting

Sighting Number Two: Near the Old Abbey Harbour

Our journey continues to the hushed whispers of the old Abbey Harbour, where another tale unfolds before our very eyes. With camera in hand, our intrepid explorer captures a series of fleeting moments that promise to unravel the mysteries of Loch Ness.

Harland (age 6) captured something really cool near the old Abbey Harbour at Fort Augustus!


So, in the video, first, there’s a bunch of splashing water, like a big circle of it! Then, the camera moves to show something near the edge of the harbour. But then it goes back to where the splashing started,  guess what? A shape that looks like a head and neck pops out of the water!

When he filmed this he probably first saw the head and neck before starting to record. Then, he noticed something else near the harbour and turned the camera that way, but it turned out to be something small. So, he went back to where he first saw the head and neck, and it was still there.

Here’s a fun fact: when we see something new, our brains try to figure out how big it is by looking at things around it. But if there aren’t any familiar things nearby, it’s harder to tell how big it is. That’s why seeing the head and neck in calm water without any waves made it tricky to know its size.

So, what could that head and neck be? Well, since it’s in the water and there aren’t any waves, it’s probably a bird like a cormorant or merganser. But it’s really interesting because it shows how our brains work to understand what we see!

But fear not, dear readers, for even in moments of uncertainty, there’s wisdom to be gleaned. This sequence serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of human perception, urging us to approach every sighting with humility and an open mind.

So, there you have it – two tantalising glimpses into the ever-mysterious world of Nessie. As we continue our quest for truth and adventure, let’s remember to cherish each sighting, each story, and each ripple on the surface of Loch Ness. Who knows what wonders await us beneath its fathomless depths?

Until next time, keep your eyes peeled and your hearts open to the magic of the unknown. Happy Nessie hunting, adventurers!

Don’t forget to email us with your sightings and images.


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